Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Analyze This

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The results of your analysis say:

You plan ahead, and are interested in beauty, design, outward appearance, and symmetry.
You are a person who thinks before acting, intelligent and thorough.
You are diplomatic, objective, and live in the present.
You are a talkative person, maybe even a busybody!
You enjoy life in your own way and do not depend on the opinions of others.


Monday, December 26, 2005

Growing Up, Getting Down...

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I've learned that you cannot make someone love you. All you can do is stalk them and hope they panic and give in...

I've learned that one good turn gets most of the blankets.

I've learned that no matter how much I care, some people are just jackasses.

I've learned that it takes years to build up trust, and it only takes suspicion, not proof, to destroy it.

I've learned that whatever hits the fan will not be evenly distributed.

I've learned that you shouldn't compare yourself to others - they are more screwed up than you think.

I've learned that depression is merely anger without enthusiasm.

I've learned that it is not what you wear; it is how you take it off.

I've learned to not sweat the petty things, and not pet the sweaty things.

I've learned that ex's are like fungus, and they keep coming back.

I've learned age is a very high price to pay for maturity.

I've learned that I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy it.

I've learned that we are responsible for what we do, unless we are celebrities.

I've learned that artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity.

I've learned that 99% of the time when something isn't working in your house, one of your kids did it.

I've learned that there is a fine line between genius and insanity.

I've learned that the people you care most about in life are taken from you too soon and all the less important ones just never go away. And the real pains in the rear are permanent.

Friday, December 23, 2005

Ho Ho Ho!

I didnt realize 2 more days and it's christmas. The spirit suddenly eludes me or its just that i cant feel the christmas spirit at all. I havent even started to shop gifts for the kids. Yeah, im at my wits end right now. Too many things concerns me. Those are the things that i need to deal with and it occupies too much of my time by just merely thinking about it. Pathetic i know. Sometimes i wish i could buy some time stopping device just to let the world stop for a while coz its spinning makes me dizzy. I guess this is growing up is all about...dealing with realities.

I miss home. I miss my mom's cooking. I miss the anticipation of hanging my santa's socks in our sampayan even though i know that in the morning when i look at it for gifts, there'll just be a 10 peso bill inside and i will start to laugh and say 'Hah ano ba yan sampung piso lang! Kawawa naman si santa mas mapera pa ko sa kanya!' Poor, poor santa!

But now, i guess santa's gonna be the one to laugh! Poor, poor me! Haha!

The ironies of life!

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Baby, as what my card said...this christmas i have everything i needed because i have YOU!
You are more than enough...and from where i stand to where you are, know that i will always be thankful for the gift of your love...

And amisdt all the chaos that's been going on in my mind right now...You are the only one that keeps me grounded...You are giving me enough reasons to believe that the world is not so bad after all...

I LOVE YOU SO MUCH my adik! Image hosted by

Monday, December 12, 2005

Dark Sonnet

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I don't think that I've been in love as such
although I liked a few folk pretty well
Love must be vaster than my smiles or touch
for brave men died and empires rose and fell
for love, girls follow boys to foreign lands
and men have followed women into hell
In plays and poems someone understands
there's something makes us more than blood and bone
And more than biological demands for me love's like the wind unseen, unknown
I see the trees are bending where it's been
I know that it leaves wreckage where it's blown
I really don't know what I love you means
I think it means don't leave me here alone

©2005 Neil Gaiman

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Happy 6th!

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alone in my bed
thinking of you
wish you were here
right next to me
i can imagine myself
staring at you while you sleep
until i close my eyes
you'll be my last thoughts
my dear...

cuddled in your arms
keeping me safe from harm
catching my every breath
keeping me close to your heart
kissing my fears away
keeping them all at bay
gently showing me
what real love is supposed to be...

ill kiss you so tenderly
and hug you so tightly
ill touch you in places
erogenously sexy...

HAPPY 6th MONTHSARY baby! Image hosted by
I am missing you so badly...

Thursday, December 01, 2005

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you got me this early christmas present
plus a polo shirt
which i love, no doubt
i can feel christmas in the air
the air is getting chillier by the minute
and the fog is becoming dense
i bet christmas will have the same look as before
it would be so much happier
if i have you beside me
maybe then, christmas wont feel sad as it used to be
but then again
it shouldn't matter
I. HAVE. YOU. Image hosted by
and for me
YOU are the greatest gift that God knows i wanted to receive all these years...

thank you for the gifts baby!